European Aviation Institute


This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for the administration of Part 66 Basic Examinations administered and conducted by the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute.

Application Form

Part-66 Examinations

Our Part 66 Examinations are conducted in accordance with Commission Regulations (EU)     No 1321/2014 requirements and are compliant with EU Regulation 2023/989.

All examinations are conducted under the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute Part 147 Approval Certificate No RO.147.003.

  • Examinations are paper-based and are conducted in our approved locations.
  • Examinations available in English and Romanian languages.
  • Multiple-choice question (MCQ) examinations are based on a nominal average of 75 seconds (1.25 minutes) per question – with a pass mark of 75%.

*Multi-choice Papers

For each module being taken, a question paper including instructions is provided together with an answer sheet. Each question comprises an introductory statement that forms the question stem and three (3) alternative answers designated (A), (B) and (C) printed below. Only one of these answers is totally correct; the remaining two answers are plausible/incorrect, being incomplete in some definite aspect. There are no trick questions!

  • Essays have a total of 20 minutes allocated – with a pass mark of 75%.
  • Examinations will be conducted without training notes.

Examination results will normally be available in 7 working days. In case of essay examinations, it may be longer due to the availability of the examiner, in which case you will be notified of the results within working 14 days. Candidates will be notified via email.

Certificates of Recognition will be issued upon request, sent via email to

Examination Booking Procedure

In order to make a booking for an examination sitting, applicants are asked to follow the procedures below:

  • Candidates should apply using the appropriate application form which is available on Registering to an Examination via our website. Note: Bookings cannot be made by telephone.
  • Examination fees are required at the time of application. No applications will be processed without the correct accompanying payment and photocopy of photo ID.
  • Candidates should indicate on the application form the date they wish to sit the examination(s).
  • For available dates and modules, please see the section “Calendar”on our website.
  • Once a booking has been accepted and processed, candidates will receive an examination confirmation email stating the date and time of the examination. This confirmation email will be sent 2 days prior to the examination, the latest.

Candidates’ Responsibilities

Candidates are responsible for:

  • Ensuring their contact information provided to the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute is correct, accurate and up to date, as it is written in their ID documents (ID card/ Passport etc.).
  •  Checking their email regularly for any updates regarding their examination.

Payment Method

Examination fees can be paid by credit/debit by accessing the “Shop” page on our website, or or by bank transfer.

Payments by bank transfers are to be credited to the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute bank account.

Bank account:  RO91CECEC00194600601 0731

Bank name: CEC BANK

Account holder: Asociatia Aeronautica Romana

CIF: 29573081

Currency: RON


* For payment identification please ensure that your Name, Exam Module, Licence Category as well as the Examination Date are mentioned to payment details.

Examinations Conditions

  • Candidates should be present at the examination centre at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the commencement of each examination sitting.
  •  Late arrivals will NOT be allowed to enter the examination after the examination has started.
  • No extra time will be given after the exam has finished.
  • All candidates are required to present photo ID on the exam. Acceptable forms of photo ID are:
  • ID card
  • Passport
  • Driver’s Licence

Candidates without ID will not be permitted to sit the examination.

  • Whilst every attempt is made to ensure reasonable comfort in examination rooms, the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute cannot be held responsible for extraneous noise or for any breakdown or fluctuation in heating, lighting or ventilation.
  • Candidates are also advised that the “no-smoking” regulations  must be observed at all times.
  • Silence is to be observed in the examination room at all times.
  • Personal coats, bags, briefcases, etc. will pe placed in front of the examination room, under direction of exam invigilator.
  • Mobile phones shall be switched to silent or off and left with the candidates’ personal belongings placed in the front of the examination room.
  • If a candidate wishes to speak to an Invigilating Officer, he/she should remain seated and raise his/her hand. It should be noted that the Invigilating Officer will consider only those questions from candidates that relate to the general conduct of the examinations and he/she will not enter into discussion on the interpretation of words or questions contained in the examination papers.
  • Candidates are not allowed to use any loose paper other than that provided by the centre and invigilator for the examination. All papers issued by the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute, used during the examination are to be returned with the answer sheet to the invigilator on completion.
  • Candidates must ensure that all answers have been transferred onto their answer sheet by the end of the examination time period. Candidates failing to do this will not be given any extra time.
  • You will be required to provide your own blue or black ink pens.
  • Additional instructions to attendees shall be provided by the examination invigilator.

Minimum Candidates Requirement & Rescheduling Policy

In order to ensure the optimal use of resources and maintain examination integrity, a minimum number of candidates is required for each examination session. The minimum number of candidates is 6 (six).

The Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute reserves the right to reschedule an examination if the minimum number of candidates is not reached. Candidates will be notified via email of the rescheduling at least 5 days prior to the original examination date.

The rescheduled examination will take place within 30 days of the original examination date. The Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute will make every effort to accommodate the availability of all affected candidates.

Candidates who are unable to attend the rescheduled examination date may request a full refund of their examination fee, or transfer their registration to the next available examination date.

Examination Cancellation or transfer of date

Should you cancel/ fail to attend for a booked examination, your examination fees will not be refunded or credited.

Refunds or transference of examination fees for non‐attendance/cancellation will only be given if the below criteria has been met:

  • The Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute has notified you that they can no longer offer your examination on the selected date; or
  • Students may have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from completing their examination. Where evidence can be provided to support the student’s circumstances, examination fees may be refunded. Forms of acceptable documentation are as follows: Valid Medical Certificate, Death Certificate where the absence is applicable to a close family member. Documents shall be submitted by email to:

The decision of assessing the extenuating circumstances rests with the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute and shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Examination Declaration

Part 66, Appendix II, 1.11 states “a failed module examination may not be re-taken for at least 90 days following the date of the failed module examination”.

Part-66, Appendix II, 1.13 states “the maximum number of consecutive attempts for each module is three.

If the student fails to achieve a pass after these three consecutive attempts, a “waiting period” is imposed from the date of the last attempt, which prohibits the student from re-attempting the examination for 12 months (at any EASA Examination Centre).

Candidates who are proven to be cheating shall be banned from taking any further examination within 12 months of the date of the examination in which they are found cheating.

  • By checking this box, you are informing the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute that you have read and understood the information given in EASA Part 66 Basic Exam Requirements and that you are eligible to the chosen exam(s) on the date(s) requested.
  • By checking this box, you are consenting to the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute storing your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

When booking an examination:

– I authorise the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute to obtain and maintain all details relating to my academic record.

– I acknowledge that the provision of incorrect information and documentation relating to my application may result in the cancellation of my enrolment.

– I confirm I have read, understood and agree to the “Terms and Conditions” of all related Policies and Procedures available on the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute website, and

– I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the GDPR policy published on the Romanian Aeronautical Association – European Aviation Institute website.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us.